Create synergy in our lives as we move together
2016 Food for Thought Class, 4th IDOCDE symposium on contemporary dance education July Vienna
2016 Inquiring Bodies 4, 21 may 2016 Manchester Met University.
Dynamic Balance and Physicality in Space. teacher
Body Intelligence. Teacher
2016 First Rendevous with BMC, Teaching and Empowering Through Movement.
22-24 january 2016 Fabrik Postdam Germany.
Components of our development. teacher
2015 NEST Conference, 28 june 2015 Amsterdam,
Embodied Participation. teacher
2015 BMCA European Conference, Tracing RefleCTions-RefleXions
27 may - 1 june 2015 Ghent Belgium,
workshop Moving Thought
2015, Somatic Movement Institute Opleiding Cursus 6 t/m 10 mei 2015
Cursus Organisatie, teacher
2015, Somatic Movement Institute Opleiding Cursus 25 t/m 29 maart 2015
Cursus Zelfsturing, teacher
2015, Somatic Movement Institute Opleiding Cursus 11 t/m 15 februari 2015
Cursus Groei en Ontwikkeling, teacher
2015, Holland Dance Festival Dansimpuls, 14 februari 2015
"Rugzakleerlingen in je dansles", teacher